Friday, June 28, 2013

C# - Insecure Direct Object Reference By Sivanath KS(Software Developer)

Ø  Definition:
“A direct object reference occurs when a developer exposes a reference to an internal implementation object, such as a file, directory, or database key. Without an access control check or other protection, attackers can manipulate these references to access unauthorized data.”

Ø  The Insecure Direct Object References represent the flaws in system design where access to sensitive data is not fully protected.
Ø  Insecure Direct Object Reference is an attack where attacker who is an authenticated system user, simply changes a parameter value that directly refers to a system object or another object.
Ø  Identifying this vulnerability is slightly more difficult using Automation tools than other vulnerabilities because to exploit this vulnerability you not only need to identify the flawed interface but also need to predict the pattern to identify an secure object like File name, User Id or Customer Id etc.
Ø  Let’s imagine we have an ASP.NET webpage which is loaded once a user is authenticated to the system.
Ø   In this example, the user is a customer and one of the functions available to them is the ability to view their customer details.

Ø  After clicking the button, the customer details are returned and written to the page.

Ø  Hitting the button again exposes the following information in Firebug.

Ø  Re-use the same request but with a different customer ID.

Ø  With a new request now created, let’s hit the “Execute” button then switch back to the inspectors view  in the fiddler and look at the response.

Ø  Now,we can get the different customer details.

Ø  Protection:

• Avoid exposing private object references to users whenever possible, such as primary keys or filenames.
• Verify authorization to all referenced objects.
Ø  Insecure Direct Object Reference in “Nokia” web site.
For reference:

Thanks to Mr K.S. Sivanath for his valuable document about Insecure Direct Object Reference  vulnerabilities in OWASP CONCEPTS. Contact Details:               

C# - Cross Site Request Forgery By Sivanath (Software Developer)

Ø  Definition:
“A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim’s browser to send a forged HTTP request, including the victim’s session cookie and any other automatically included authentication information, to a vulnerable web application. This allows the attacker to force the victim’s browser to generate requests the vulnerable application thinks are legitimate requests from the victim.”

Ø  A Cross-site request forgery attack, also known as CSRF or XSRF (pronounced sea-surf) is the less well known, but equally dangerous, cousin of the Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack.

Ø  The MVC framework introduced new security methods like AntiForgeryToken.
Example:  Simple banking website

Ø  The site properly blocks anonymous users from taking any action. You can see that in the code for the controller:

public class HomeController : Controller

Ø  Notice that we use the AuthorizeAttribute on the controller (without specifying any roles) to specify that all actions of this controller require the user to be authentication.
Ø  After logging in, we get a simple form that allows us to transfer money to another account in the bank. Note that for the sake of the demo, I’ve included an information disclosure vulnerability by allowing you to see the balance for other bank members.

Ø  To transfer money to my Bookie, for example, I can enter an amount of $1000, select the Bookie account, and then click Transfer. The following shows the HTTP POST that is sent to the website (slightly edited).
POST /Home/Transfer HTTP/1.1
Referer: http://localhost:54607/csrf-mvc.html
User-Agent: ...
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 34
Cookie: .ASPXAUTH=98A250...03BB37

Ø  There are three important things to notice here. We are posting to a well known URL, /Home/Transfer, we are sending a cookie, .ASPXAUTH, which lets the site know we are already logged in, and we are posting some data (Amount=1000&destinationAccountId=3), namely the amount we want to transfer and the account id we want to transfer to. Let’s briefly look at the code that executes the transfer.
public ActionResult Transfer(int destinationAccountId, double amount) {
  string username = User.Identity.Name;
  Account source = _context.Accounts.First(a => a.Username == username);
      Account destination = _context.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(
 a => a.Id == destinationAccountId);
            source.Balance -= amount;
      destination.Balance += amount;
      return RedirectToAction("Index");

Ø  The code is straightforward. We simply transfer money from one account to another. At this point, everything looks fine. We’re making sure the user is logged in before we transfer money. And we are making sure that this method can only be called from a POST request and not a GET request (this last point is important. Never allow changes to data via a GET request).
Ø  Well BadGuy, another bank user has an idea. He sets up a website that has a page with the following code:
              <form name="badform" method="post"
              <input type="hidden" name="destinationAccountId" value="2" />
        <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="1000" />
<script type="text/javascript">
Ø  What he’s done here is create an HTML page that replicates the fields in bank transfer form as hidden inputs and then runs some JavaScript to submit the form. The form has its action set to post to the bank’s URL.
Ø  The end result is that I’m out of $1000 and BadGuy has his bank account increased by $1000. Drat!
Ø  The mitigation in ASP.NET MVC is to use the AntiForgery helpers.
·         The first step is to add the ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute to the action method.
public ActionResult Transfer(int destinationAccountId, double amount) {}

·         Next step is add Html.AntiForgeryToken() method in view.
@using (Html.BeginForm("Transfer", "Home")) { 
<label for="Amount">Amount:</legend>
@= Html.TextBox("Amount")
 <label for="destinationAccountId">
Destination Account:
 @= Html.DropDownList("destinationAccountId", "Select an Account") 
@= Html.AntiForgeryToken()
<input type="submit" value="transfer" />
·         When you view source, you’ll see the following hidden input.
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" 
type="hidden"value="WaE634+3jjeuJFgcVB7FMKNzOxKrPq/WwQmU7iqD7PxyTtf8H8M3hre+VUZY1Hxf" />

Ø  Let us have a brief look at the security methods.
·         Authorize attribute: This is useful to authorize a user or role to access any resource in the application after authenticated. This helps to have User and Role level protections.
·         Http Referrer Check: This is a general method not confined to .NET. This is to prevent an URL request which is not from the site, but from an external link or the link directly executed at the browser navigation bar.
·         Anti Forgery Token: This is a powerful option to prevent any hidden field manipulation while form posting and prevents Cross-Site Request Forgery

Ø  When a web server is designed to receive a request from a client without any mechanism for verifying that it was intentionally sent, then it might be possible for an attacker to trick a client into making an unintentional request to the web server which will be treated as an authentic request. This can be done via a URL, image load, XMLHttpRequest, etc. and can result in exposure of data or unintended code execution.

Ø  In order for this attack to be successful, your site must track users logged in with cookies, and they must be logged into your site at the time they visit a site or click a link which the attacker has provided to the user.

Ø  There are a variety of tricks employed which can cause a user to 'click' the attacker link. For instance, any site an attacker has access to, such as a forum or social network account, may include special image tags which actually call include the link to the target site. The link can be crafted to force the users browser to execute an action using the session credentials they logged in as, along with any effects of submitting that link.

Ø   In this way, when the page loads, the user has 'clicked' whatever link is placed in the image tag, and the authenticated action has been performed without the users permission.

Ø  If the targeted user happens to be an administrator, this attack could potentially allow an attacker to gain control of an entire web application.

Ø  Imagine the following attack scenario:
·         Bob is browsing, and is logged in as a user.
· has a button which, when pushed, will send an e-card to all of Bob's saved contacts automatically with a link.
·         While Bob is on mysite, he has a question about some features, and goes to his favorite forum about mysite -
·         He opens an interesting post by another user. This post contains an image tag looking something like <img src=''/>
·         Bob's browser tries to fetch the image, and sends Bob's authentication cookie along with the request to
· receives the request from Bob to send the e-cards, and so sends the ecards.
·         The attack is successful, even though Bob never clicked on the send button!
Ø  This kind of attack was successfully used to spread worms through both MySpace and Facebook. The nature of the attack makes it easy to self-propagate on sites where users may post profile information.

Ø  Impact to Your Site & User Base
·         Impact for XSRF can be minimal or critical depending on the nature of your site. It is classified as lower during our scans due to the lack of additional information needed to make a proper security assessment, which can only be made by site owners.
·         XSRF could potentially be used for anything ranging from tricking a user into changing their password on your site, to withdrawing funds if the site is a bank allowing transactions.

Ø  How to Prevent CSRF Attacks
·         Preventing CSRF requires changing how all GET and POST requests work on a site, to ensure that users who are requesting an action have actually done so, and were not tricked into doing so. Because of the way an XSRF attack works, the attacker never has access to the cookie data stored on the targets machine, and this fact can be used to craft a defense.
·         Taking advantage of this, site owners can generate unique values on all forms, such that an attacker would not be able to guess ahead of time what to submit in the POST or GET request. This is called a nonce, or unique random value.

Ø  To implement this, you have to include a few logic layers in your application.
·         Include a hidden form field on all forms of your site which are required when a user is logged in. For example purposes, let's call it the nonce.
·         Include the nonce value in the users session variables, so that they have a copy.
·         After every POST or GET evaluation you want to protect, make sure that the nonce from the browser (session) matches the nonce from the form (GET/POST value)
·         If they do not match, then the page may have been submitted fraudulently (XSRF)
·         The nonce may be generated new for each form, or stored server side in a database. Be aware that if it is generated new each time, you may face issues with users back button functionality, or multiple tabs.

Thanks to Mr K.S. Sivanath for his valuable document about  Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF)  vulnerabilities in OWASP CONCEPTS
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