Creating Web Service in C# Step by Step manner (Use full for freshers)
- Create new project in Visual studio framework
- Choose the visual studio 3.5 framework using C# programming language in Web Application Template Choose ASP.NET Web Service Application create new web service project.
- After Opening the solution the default web method "HELLO WORLD ()" in the Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
namespace WebService1
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Service1
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
// [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]
public class Service1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello World";
- Created custom method for getting input parameter in the below web method. In this below method i get input string parameter.
public string Welcome(string name)
return string.Format("Welcome {0} to Tutorial Web Service", name);
- After executing the Web Service Application the all methods displayed in the screen
- After invoke Operation result of the web method the result will appear as below,
I hope the above article will meet the expectation for simple Creating Web Service.