Wednesday, July 3, 2013

C# - Insufficient Transport Layer protection by Sivanath KS.

Ø  Definition:
“Applications frequently fail to authenticate, encrypt, and protect the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive network traffic. When they do, they sometimes support weak algorithms, use expired or invalid certificates, or do not use them correctly.”

Ø  HTTPS, SSL and TLS are essential staples of website security.
Ø  SSL is Secure Sockets Layer which is the term we used to use to describe the cryptographic protocol used for communicating over the web. SSL provides an asymmetric encryption scheme which both client and server can use to encrypt and then decrypt messages sent in either direction.
Ø  TLS is Transport Layer Security and the successor to SSL. You’ll frequently see TLS version numbers alongside SSL equivalent; TLS 1.0 is SSL 3.1, TLS 1.1 is SSL 3.2, etc. These days, you’ll usually see secure connections expressed as TLS versions:

Ø  HTTPS is Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure and is the implementation of TLS over HTTP. HTTPS is also the URI scheme of website addresses implementing SSL, that is it’s the prefix of an address such as and implies the site will be loaded over an encrypted connection with a certificate that can usually be inspected in the browser.
Ø  Example:
·         The iPad is an innocent user of the ASafaWeb website and logged in as an administrator and as such I have the highlighted menu items below:
·         The laptop is the attacker and it has no more rights than any public, non-authenticated user would. Consequently, it’s missing the administrative menu items the iPad had.
·         I’ve taken a ride down to the local McDonald’s which offers free wifi. Both the laptop and the iPad are taking advantage of the service, as are many other customers scattered throughout the restaurant.
·         I had a browse around the ASafaWeb website on the iPad.After letting the process run for a few minutes, I’ve opened up the capture file in “Wireshark” which is a packet capture and analysis tool frequently used for monitoring and inspecting network traffic.

·         Let’s filter those packets further so that only those originating from my iPad are shown:
·         By right clicking on the first packet and following the TCP stream, we can see the entire request:
·         Each request any browser makes to a website includes any cookies the website has set. The request above contains a number of cookies, including one called “.ASPXAUTH”
·         But that’s easily rectified simply by adding a new cookie with the same name and value as we’ve just observed from the iPad.
·         Refresh the page:

·         Finally, insufficient transport layer protection has just allowed us to hijack the session and become an administrator.
Ø  Don’t mix TLS and non-TLS content
·         Loading a page over TLS then including non-TLS content actually causes some fairly major issues.
·         By striking out the padlock icon and the HTTPS scheme in the URL, the browser is sending a very clear warning to the user.
Ø  Prevention:
·         Providing proper transport layer protection can affect the site design. It's easiest to require SSL for the entire site. For performance reasons, some sites use SSL only on private pages. Others use SSL only on 'critical' pages, but this can expose session IDs and other sensitive data. At a minimum, do all of the following:
·         Require SSL for all sensitive pages. Non-SSL requests to these pages should be redirected to the SSL page.
·         Set the 'secure' flag on all sensitive cookies.
·         Configure your SSL provider to only support strong algorithms.
·         Ensure your certificate is valid, not expired, not revoked, and matches all domains used by the site.
·         Backend and other connections should also use SSL or other encryption technologies.

 Thanks for the valuable document by K S Sivanath Contact

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